#trans Marlene Mcfly
bri-to-the-future · 1 year
McFly July 12- Marlene’s Closet
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bethrnoora · 2 years
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recently watched part 3 and now im thinking about this concept i keep rotating in my mind again. good timeline 2015 mcfly kids (ada + marlene) to go along with older marty and jennifer from a while back
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thedupshadove · 1 year
Blatantly ripped off from @penny-anna 's Back to the Future polls, I ask you
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penny-anna · 2 years
Just thought I’d let you know that your onslaught of Back to the Future content inspired me to rewatch the movies this weekend, which was such a delight :)
Do you have any fic recs, by any chance?
ah glad to hear it!
*rubs hands together*ohoho let's see what i got here
Like Water Flowing Underground by Kleenexwoman
Marty struggles to fit in with his new reality, but is any other world a better fit?
i read this one back in 2015 and come back to it every so often. just beautifully done.
Becoming Marty by butchcassidy
Scenes and glimpses from Marty's childhood and how he came to be Marty.
obligatory trans marty rec!!
Time is a Wave and a Particle by Kleenexwoman
Another one of those "Marty has trouble dealing with living in an alternate universe" fics.
heavy content warning for mental illness & specifically psychosis on this one!!
beautifully written, absolutely gutwrenching, this one is gonna haunt me ):
Alternates by Wildgoosery
Marty's life isn't at all like how he left it.
i eat up post-canon 'marty deals w being in a new timeline' fics like candy nom nom nom
wish someone would tell me who to be (ready to try anything) by Adanska
(“Fashion cycle,” Doc had explained, looking more ‘50s than anything else. “The Eighties just came back around in a big way for kids your age, you shouldn’t stick out too much—people will just think you’re hipsters.” “What, like the pants?” “No, a nostalgia-obsessed movement—ah, nevermind.”)
lesbian marty & jennifer visiting Actual 2015 its great give this one a read!!
we can't live in the present forever by ideal_girl (trainwreckdress)
Marty wonders if Doc has the same problem; histories overlapping, memories colliding in the space of a single, shared moment. He hopes not.
a 'marty deals with having 2 contradictory sets of memories' story
Inevitable by nbfutureboy
It's a bizarre twist of fate. When they’d found out they’d been expecting twin boys, Jennifer had suggested, sensible and sweet, that they pick out two new names. No comparisons to the kids of the first 2015 - they could be their own people, without having to compete with a future memory. 
very sweet fic about trans marlene mcfly!!
The Man in the Box by makesureyouwashyourhands
People said the strangest things about the McFlys. They said that Marty McFly went to bed one night and woke up a different person. Or, the two Martys: how they differ, and how they're the same.
*throws another post-canon new timeline fic at you*
The Human Body Is Incredibly Faulty by ThePhenomenalStingray
Written for the ask, "For that headcannon prompt, Doc is a complete mother hen mess when Marty’s hurt".
cute!! <3<3<3<3
First Impressions by Kristen Sheley
To say that he had been surprised when the kid had showed up that evening at his doorstep was an understatement. He hadn’t ever imagined anything so fantastic, and his was a mind that had visualized a lot of unrealistic and fantastic things! But a seventeen-year-old time traveler from the future was never one of them. Equally surprising to him was that this kid was apparently a friend of his. What a sixty-five-year-old was doing hanging out with someone so young, Emmett could only wonder. Maybe Marty was a student of his, from the University.
an oldie but a goodie!! absolutely banging bit of missing scene work from the first film w doc & marty adjusting to each other in 1955
The Longest Odds by leaper182
Marty McFly just had two more years to go before he could start thinking about the future.
But then the odds shifted, and the only future he has to think about now is whether he'll make it home alive.
wip not updated since 2016. not a whole lot of this one as it looks like it didn't really get off the ground but the central concept (tribute marty + former victor mentor doc brown) is just gutwrenching and im going to be rotating it in my brain forever!! ETA: totally failed to clock the ship tag on this one oops!! its tagged doc/marty but i don't remember anything shippy happening in the chapters posted. read at your own risk ig.
that's all for now!! i got more stuff in my to-read so stay tuned hopefully!!!
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annoyedmothf4iry · 1 year
Michael J Fox playing Marty Mcfly’s daughter, Marlene Mcfly, is trans confirmed 🏳️‍⚧️
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wasleichtesart · 3 years
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Marlene McFly my beloved
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Marlene Mcfly from Back to the Future is trans and plays Minecraft!
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figuring-it-all-out · 3 years
....how did it take me this long to headcanon that Marlene McFly from Back to the Future Part II as trans?
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Like I know it’s Michael J. Fox playing her as part of the gimmick that he plays all of Marty’s descendants & ancestors (unless they’re George McFly or played by Lea Thompson) but COME ON! It’s right there!
TL;DR - Marty McFly’s daughter Marlene is an awesome trans gal and we should appreciate her more.
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mrfutureboy · 3 years
May I ask for some Trans Marty headcanons 👉👈🥺 (only if you want to ofc)
hi anon! for sure!
tho honestly im not sure i have many that are my own?? there are so many people in the fandom that spend more time thinking (in general) and that have come up with some amazing headcanons that i subscribe to so admittedly i havent spent as much time thinking up hc’s myself! well, maybe this isnt true in the case of marlene mcfly but this post isnt about her lol. so mostly this’ll probably end up being a list of things other people have said/pointed out. that said, if i mention a hc thats yours just be like “hey thats from my post!” and i’ll link u because i honestly cant remember who said what anymore
edit: added links to op’s of various hcs
so first of all, his layers. layers on layers on layers to hide the shape of his body is so trans masc of him. this is literally canon so it doesnt even count. (x, x)
but i’ll quickly mention some other things people have pointed out that are supported by canon: everyone calling him “mcfly” instead of his first name, twin pines lorraine not liking jennifer for no real reason except maybe thinking marty shouldnt be dating a girl at all (x)
i have NO idea what hrt was like in the 80s, if it were even available at all, but i like the hc that doc brews up some homemade testosterone for his good pal marty (x) man of all sciences, right? honestly doc was probably already making t for himself (trans doc ftw) and then marty came out to him and he was like i have just the thing.
going off that, doc probably helps him with his shots bc i think marty’s a big baby when it comes to needles.
again, resources in the 1980’s are not something i know about but given the climate and technology i doubt there was an extensive handbook on transmasculinity and safely binding. so marty’s methods of binding were probably not very safe, in terms of what he used and how long he wore it. tho @rovermcfly’s recent post about mjf’s harness looking like a binder (x)could support a hc that doc made marty a binder. as his friend and an elder trans guy you know he’s looking out for him. but when marty’s not binding…layers on layers on layers. side note i would hope marty wasnt wearing a binder when he got to 1955 cuz oh GOD he wouldve been wearing that for way too fucking long and with everything that physically happened to him in the first like 12 hrs of him being there he’d surely have some lasting damage
this is mostly a joke hc but marty comes to doc one day and is complaining about his chest while doc’s working on something, and towards the end of marty’s rant doc turns around holding up a knife and martys like whoa uhh im not so sure about that, doc and doc just turns back around. this doesnt ever happen again or get brought up so marty’s not sure if doc was kidding or not. also makes marty wonder if he’d done it before (doc’s got a flat chest after all) and then he starts looking around for stray squirrels with stitches a la frankensteins monster lol
i like @rovermcfly ‘s hc that marty saw “martin seamus” in his family tree and was like yep thats my name (x) which honestly fits really well with canon like how are you going to name ur first son david tiberius, ur daughter linda [no middlename], but then when you get to your third kid suddenly be like “lets do a really traditional family name”. Unlikely.
marty probably came out to doc first. doc quickly made him feel safe and loved and comfortable so yeah i can imagine doc knew before anyone else. and then jennifer and then lastly (maybe accidentally) his parents
Lorraine probably had a fucking conniption when marty first cut all his hair off. also i hate to say it but i feel like she was the least supportive parent (not that george was raving about it) in the twin pines timeline. all im going to say about lone pine lorraine here is that she came around faster (or at least started to) than her counterpart, my justification being the breakfast scene at the end of the movie compared to the dinner scene earlier re: jennifer
personally i dont feel like marty’s been out for longer than a few years but idk thats just a gut feeling i dont have anything else to say abt that
Umm yeah thats all i have to say atm! Thank u anon for the ask :3 and again, if anyone recognizes any posts ive referenced, please @ me so i can link them here!
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Back to the Future Headcanon
Marlene McFly is a trans woman because she is played by Michael J. Fox. Thoughts?
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mwagneto · 6 years
Marlene Mcfly is trans! Thank you
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simduction · 6 years
I just realised that your icon is Marlene McFly from Back To The Future II, and I'm freaking out because it's my favourite movie!!! (pssst you should totally do Back To The Future CC hehe, just a suggestion)
Hi, Yesss I want to confess when I was a kid I had a crush on this trans teenager haha 🤭
And it's a good idea in fact there are a lot of accessories and cool hair in these amazing movies!
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